Universal Viewer

DSM Version

Universal Viewer


Provides previewing capability for various file formats on the Synology Drive web portal


  • Compatible with DSM 7.0 or above
  • Supports viewing general file formats (supported formats may vary by operating system and device)
    • Images: 3fr, arw, bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, dng, erf, gif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, k25, kdc, mef, mos, mrw, nef, orf, pef, png, ptx, raf, raw, rw2, sr2, srf, tif, tiff, x3f, ico, heic, heif
    • Text: diff, erl, json, lst, markdown, md, mdown, mkdn, out, patch, sml, txt
    • Encrypted files: zip, 7z, bz2, gz, rar, tar, tbz, tgz, txz
    • Office: osheet, oslides, odoc, xlsx, pptx, docx
    • Code: actproj, ad, akp, applescript, as, asax, asc, ascx, asm, asmx, asp, aspx, asr, as3, bat, bkpi, c, cc, cmake, coffee, cpp, cs, css, cxx, erb, groovy, gvy, h, haml, hh, hpp, hxx, java, js, jsx, less, m, make, mhtml, ml, mm, php, pl, plist, properties, py, rb, sass, scala, scm, script, scss, sh, sql, swift, tsx, vb, vi, vim, xhtml, xml, xsd, xsl, yaml, yml
    • Others: pdf, psd, htm, html
  • Size limitations for previews:
    • Images: 100 MB
    • Text: 8 MB
    • Archive: 50 MB
    • docx: 50 MB
    • xlsx: 10 MB
    • pptx: 100 MB
    • pdf: 100 MB
    • psd: 500 MB
  • Supports smooth previews and thumbnail generation of raw images