Hybrid Share

Hybrid Share

Create a cloud-based global file system and empower cross-site collaboration with Synology systems and C2 Storage.

Hybrid Share

A global hybrid cloud file system

Hybrid Share combines the scalability of the cloud with the fast local access provided by Synology systems. Keep data in a single, globally accessible namespace in the cloud. Warm data can be retained in a cache on local Synology systems for fast, low-latency access while cold files are tiered to the cloud.

A global hybrid cloud file system

Seamless multi-site file access

Streamlined collaboration

Global file lock prevents simultaneous file modifications, eliminating data conflicts and enabling seamless collaboration without concerns about versioning or overwriting problems.

File access oversight

Gain comprehensive oversight of Hybrid Share operations with detailed logs, enabling seamless audits, compliance reviews, and issue resolution for administrators.

Anywhere access

Allow users to access and share data from anywhere using C2 Storage Explorer. Robust permissions management and granular privilege settings provide precise control over data access.

Seamless multi-site file access

Scalability without limitations

Hybrid Share’s storage on Synology C2 offers seamless scalability to handle growing storage demands. Let automatic cloud-tiering shift the storage burden to the cloud so you can keep your local IT infrastructure simple.

Scalability without limitations

Data security amplified

Secure data encryption

All data handled by C2 Storage is encrypted in transit and at rest for maximum security. A private key, inaccessible to Synology, is required for decryption.

Rapid data protection and recovery

Hybrid Share provides strong defense against ransomware and accidental deletion. The C2 Storage web portal has snapshot features for seamless data protection for Hybrid Share folders, enabling near-instantaneous recovery in case of unexpected events.

Data security amplified

Fast deployment and intuitive user experience

Immediate shared folder access

Immediate shared folder access

New sites can join the Hybrid Share global file system within minutes. With on-demand file access, systems are immediately available for use after the quick setup process.

Familiar interface for end users

Familiar interface for end users

Hybrid Share enables seamless file access via SMB on the local network, eliminating the need for extra tools. Collaborating across sites becomes as effortless as working locally.

Transparent and flexible pricing

Implement Hybrid Share and benefit from a transparent, no-nonsense cost structure. No separate fees, feature tiers, or usage limits. Get access to all of Hybrid Share, sized perfectly to your needs, through monthly or annual payment options.

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Data center

Storage plans starting from

*No additional fees/costs

*Price does not include VAT.1

It's not even a comparison

Mix and match Synology storage systems with Hybrid Share to build your global file system. Keep your teams connected securely and conveniently without breaking the bank.

It's not even a comparison
*Estimated subscription costs of Ctera, NASUNI, and PANZURA based on publicly available pricing closest or extrapolated to 20 TB/year. Data retrieved in June 2023.

See what our customers are achieving

"Thanks to Hybrid Share, I'm not limited to local talent, but can stand out and look for talent globally. That solves a lot of problems."

"Whenever adding a new node, we can quickly mount a Hybrid Share Folder on the new device. Because local servers only serve as cache, you can access any files you need immediately without waiting for shared data to finish syncing."

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  1. VAT rates are calculated according to your billing address.