Release Notes for Synology Drive

Synology Drive allows you to easily access and manage files in your Synology Drive on the go. Apart from common file types, such as documents, images, videos and music, you can also open Synology Office document, spreadsheets and slides in the user-friendly viewer provided by Drive. In addition, the features of searching, sharing, moving and applying labels to files are all available on Android Device, which allows users to complete tasks efficiently anytime, anywhere.

Version: 3.6.0-984


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Please update the server to Synology Drive Server 3.5.0 to use the new mobile features.

What's New

  1. Supports displaying sync task progress to keep you informed about the file syncing status.
  2. The "Scan document" feature supports scanning existing files/images on your phone or in your Synology Drive into searchable PNG/PDF files.
  3. Supports clearing notifications in the Notification Center.
  4. Supports uploading an entire folder at once.
  5. Supports resuming uploads and downloads from where they left off, picking up from the exact percentage where the transfer was interrupted. Please note that this feature does not support scanning documents, images, and videos.
  6. Supports sharing multiple files simultaneously, with a maximum limit of 30 files per selection.
  7. Supports opening and displaying SVG format files in the app.
  8. Added an entry for joining the public beta version under More > Settings > Update.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where sorting options, i.e., name, modified time, file type, owner, and size, for Team Folders were not displayed.
  2. Fixed an issue where files shown as downloaded couldn't be found in the local download directory.

Version: 3.5.1-940


Fixed Issues:

  1. Fixed an issue where the app might crash unexpectedly when reconnecting to the server.

Version: 3.5.0-939


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Please update the server to Synology Drive Server 3.5.0 to use the new mobile features.

What's New

  1. Supports sending push notifications for changes in permissions or user comments on Synology Office files.
  2. Supports the conversion of files from various Microsoft Office formats, including .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .csv, .xls, .xlt, .ods, .ots, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .doc, to Synology Office format.
  3. Supports displaying recently shared invitees when sharing files.
  4. Supports categorizing photos by "year" when backing up photos.
  5. Supports retaining the last viewed sub-tab when switching tabs or relaunching the app.
  6. Supports setting independent sorting rules and display preferences for each folder.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where background tasks might not be completed properly when moving large files.
  2. Fixed an issue where connecting via IP might fail when the DNS setting in the mobile network is invalid.

Version: 3.4.1-916


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the app might crash unexpectedly when the user switched to another network connection method or restarted the app.
  2. Fixed an issue where public links might not work properly when TalkBack is enabled.

Version: 3.4.0-912


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Please update the server to Synology Drive Server 3.4.0 to use the new mobile features.

What's New

  1. Added the "Scan document" feature that allows users to turn documents into searchable PNG or PDF files. This function requires DSM 7.2.1 and above.
  2. Supports setting the download folder as a sync folder.
  3. Supports opening files or folders via Android Shortcuts.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where sync tasks triggered the deletion and resync of remote files, due to problems with listing local files.
  2. Fixed an issue where sync tasks in Android 8.0 version might fail to download files.
  3. Fixed an issue where the screen might appear blank when opening a large file.
  4. Fixed an issue where uploading a large file might fail if the screen became locked during the uploading process.
  5. Minor bug fixes and overall stability enhancement.

Version: 3.3.1-864


Important Notes

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes and overall stability enhancement.

Version: 3.3.0-861


Important Notes

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

What's New

  1. Supports quickly enabling two-way sync for folders on the "Home", "Files", "Shared" tabs. These sync tasks will allow users to access files offline from the app or the device's internal storage.
  2. Supports merging sync tasks and combining the files and subfolders into the same parent folder.
  3. Added the "Focused Backup and Sync" function that allows backing up or syncing a large number of files when the device is inactive. Go to the "More" tab to enable this function.
  4. Reduced network traffic by automatically providing users with the latest version of files, either the server version or the version stored on the device. Note that this feature does not apply to Synology Office files.
  5. Supports choosing "Starred" and "Labeled" categories as the destination when the user performs various operations (e.g., creating folders, uploading files/folders/photos, copying/moving files).
  6. Supports displaying video thumbnails for videos that were uploaded to the server from the app.
  7. Supports previewing PDF and Microsoft Office files in the app.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the user might get signed out of the app unexpectedly.
  2. Fixed an issue where the status of a certificate error could not be updated after it had been resolved.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.2.2-806


Important Notes

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.2.1-800


Important Notes

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.2.0-795


Important Notes

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

What's New

  1. Added one-way synchronization feature, allowing users to sync the most up-to-date file versions from the server to their mobile devices or to upload from their mobile devices to the server.
  2. Supports creating and editing Synology Office documents and spreadsheets. This update is only available on Synology Office 3.5 and Android 10.0 and above.
  3. Supports saving changes to Synology Drive after annotating PDFs via third-party PDF software.
  4. Supports hiding the recently accessed file list from the "Home" tab for enhanced privacy.
  5. Supports Synology Secure SignIn.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.1.1-744


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the location information of images uploaded through the app might be lost.
  2. Fixed an issue where sync files on local devices might be accidentally deleted after syncing.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.1.0-740


What's New

  1. Improved the efficiency of syncing by monitoring file changes in real-time. Auto sync is triggered when file changes are detected. This option is enabled by default and can be disabled in auto sync settings.
  2. Supports using "Secure Folder" as a sync folder on Samsung devices.
  3. Supports using biometric authentication for unlocking Passcode Lock.

Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.1-712


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where uploading images might fail.
  2. Fixed an issue where screen orientation might be set incorrectly.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.0-709


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Please update the server to Synology Drive Server 3.0.2 to use the new mobile features.
  2. This update is only available on Android 8.0 and above versions.

What's New

  1. Revamped the interface and added the "Home" page with frequently used file lists.
  2. Added the "Collections" feature to flexibly manage photos, documents, audio, and videos, and to enhance browsing experience.
  3. Added the feature to back up photos on mobile devices to the NAS.
  4. Added the two-way synchronization feature, enabling users to access the latest version of files.
  5. Supports Dark Mode. The theme setting can be modified in the app's Settings.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed minor bugs.

Version: 2.3.0-361


Important Note

  • The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

Compatibility & Installation

  • This update is only available on Android 7.0 and above versions.

What's New

  • Supports playing videos via HTTP connection.
  • Supports displaying longer file names for better browsing experience.
  • Enhanced stability when accessing offline files.
  • Enhanced security level of connections.

Version: 2.2.0-309


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed the issue where clicking on file links in the app will not direct the user to the correct worksheet in Synology Spreadsheet.

  2. Fixed the issue where clicking on the link in the access request email will send the user to the information page instead of the file permission page.

  3. Fixed the issue where Synology Spreadsheet might not open successfully when the width or height of cells are not integers.

  4. Fixed the issue where if there are multiple files with the same name in search results, the file content might be incorrect.

Version: 2.1.0-265


What's new

  • Supports application lock with passcode.

  • Supports concurrently setting multiple files to allow offline access.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where QuickConnect connection might not work properly.
  • Fixed issues where the application might crash unexpectedly.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.0.0-236


What’s new

  • Supports Microsoft Office 365 users to save files in Microsoft Office applications to Synology Drive
  • Supports Thai user interface

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where sharing file links to WhatsApp might fail
  • Fixed an issue where certificate error might occur abnormally
  • Minor bug fixes

Version: 1.3.0-159


What’s new

  1. Supports previewing and thumbnail of raw images.

The following features require Drive 1.1.0 and above versions:

  1. Supports downloading file to local device for offline access.

  2. Supports cache for Office files.

  3. Supports advanced protection links to add password and validity period for file sharing.

  4. Supports browsing files in My Drive with file type filter.

  5. Supports searching in current location when the searching target is within the current folder.

  6. Supports viewing connection status of mobile devices in the client list of Drive web portal.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where logging in with IPv6 might fail.

  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.0-117

  1. Updated Synology's terms and conditions for EU data privacy compliance

Version: 1.1.1-113

  • Fixed an issue where deleted files might appear on offline devices
  • Fixed an issue where the application might crash
  • Minor bug fixes

Version: 1.1.0-107

  • This is the initial release of this app and requires Synology Drive package and DSM 6.1.3 to run.

Version: 1.0.0-068


Compatibility & Installation

  • This is the initial release of this app and requires Synology Drive package and DSM 6.1.3 to run.
  • This update is only available on Android 5.0 and above versions.