Release Notes for Virtual Machine Manager

Virtual Machine Manager integrates various virtualization solutions in a centralized and refined interface, allowing you to easily create, run, and manage multiple virtual machines on your Synology NAS. With Virtual Machine Manager, you can allocate hardware resources more flexibly, build a virtualization environment for the purpose of the enterprise-level deployment and maintenance, migrate your virtual machines among hosts without disruption and provide a full range fault tolerance protection.

Version: 2.7.0-12229


What's New

  1. Added support for the Q35 machine type.
  2. Supports VirtIO Block controller for Linux virtual machines.
  3. Enhanced the license mapping wizard interface for better troubleshooting, providing users with detailed reasons for vDSM license mapping failures.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (CWE-79).
  2. Fixed an issue where protection plans might not be performed properly if multiple plans were in the queue.
  3. Fixed an issue where cluster settings might be corrupted after a DSM restart.
  4. Fixed an issue where resuming suspended virtual machines might fail after updating the package.
  5. Fixed an issue where adding hosts to a cluster might fail.
  6. Minor bug fixes.


Version: 2.6.5-12202


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where a powered-off virtual machine might impact the hibernation of the host.
  2. Fixed an issue where running Virtual DSM with high specifications might cause the host to run out of memory.

Version: 2.6.4-12180


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-1017, CVE-2023-1018).

Version: 2.6.1-12139


What's New

  1. Added support for SR-IOV on the following the Synology network interface cards: E10G21-F2, E25G21-F2.

Version: 2.6.1-12137


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where cluster data might be corrupted after Synology NAS was forced shutdown.
  2. Fixed an issue where users could not open a virtual machine link page when connecting the page via an application portal alias and only allowing port 5001.
  3. Fixed an issue where snapshots could not be deleted when the replication task did not fully succeed.
  4. Fixed an issue where non-admin users might be signed out of DSM when connecting to web VNC consoles.

Version: 2.6.0-12122


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.1.
  2. Modified the default video card settings to prevent the compatibility issue that a black screen might occur in Windows virtual machines.

What's New

  1. Added support for Storage Quality of Service (QoS), allowing the virtual machines to acquire the configured I/O resource.
  2. Updated QEMU to version 6.0.1.
  3. Updated libvirt to version 6.8.0.
  4. Supports running Windows 11 on virtual machines (select UEFI firmware when creating a virtual machine).
  5. Enhanced the responsiveness of the user interface.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where adding hosts to a cluster might fail when the connection timed out.
  2. Fixed an issue where user could not operate the virtual machines after a High Availability failover.

Version: 2.5.5-11487


Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.4-11440


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

What's New

  1. Supports up to four IDE devices.
  2. Displays the status of VMM Pro licenses on the Overview page when they are not available.
  3. Supports running virtual machines instantly restored from Active Backup for Bussiness with compression or encryption at backup destination enabled.

Version: 2.5.3-9760


What's New

  1. Supports up to four IDE devices.
  2. Displays the status of VMM Pro licenses on the Overview page when they are not available.

Version: 2.5.2-9711


What's new

  1. Added support for Synology NAS with AMD CPUs.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where Virtual Machine Manager may cause excessive system memory usage and thus slow down UI response.
  2. Minor bug fixes.


  1. The CPU compatibility mode must be enabled to run Virtual DSM on Synology NAS with AMD CPUs.

Version: 2.5.1-9623


What's New

  1. Each host can now have up to two share links for its virtual machines without a VMM Pro license.
  2. Added space over-allocation information on Storage page and related notification when users add or expand virtual disks.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where VMM cluster might not function properly after the host recovers from an unexpected shutdown.
  2. Fixed an issue where protection plans might not resume after the host recovers from an unexpected shutdown.
  3. Fixed an issue where virtual disk size might not display correctly after the virtual disk has been expanded.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.0-9432


What's new

  1. Virtual Machine Manager is now compatible with Synology High Availability version 2.0.3-0140. (See limitations 1 and 2)

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the change of a virtual machine's name is not updated accordingly in Shared Links Manager.
  2. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to create protection plans when the system is busy.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Limitations and Known Issues

  1. When running Virtual Machine Manager in a Synology High Availability cluster:
    • There can only be one host in the VMM cluster.
    • SR-IOV is not supported.
  2. Hybrid High Availability cluster is not supported.

Version: 2.4.1-9259

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:25).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.5-9030

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:25).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.0-9257


Compatibility and Requirements

  1. Virtual Machine Manager 2.4.0 can only be installed on DSM 6.2.2 and above.

What's new

  1. VMM Pro license is not required for local storage migration and QoS settings .
  2. Virtual machines with an IDE or SATA controller can run on a remote host.
  3. Supports Live Migration and High Availability for virtual machines with an IDE or SATA controller.
  4. Supports suspending running virtual machines.
  5. Supports adding up to sixteen ISO, disks or virtual DSM images to hosts at a time.
  6. Supports selecting multiple disk images when importing a virtual machine with disk images.
  7. Supports creating a host with its IP address.
  8. Supports canceling storage migration tasks.
  9. Supports selecting a shutdown behavior of a virtual machine upon host shutdown.
  10. Supports importing multiple virtual machines at a time.
  11. Supports storage migration for virtual machines with snapshots.
  12. Added support for VMware compatible OVA when users export a virtual machine.
  13. Added support for Application Portal.
  14. New noVNC low latency mode.
  15. Users can now modify disk order when the virtual machine is shut down.
  16. Users can now configure High Availability options.
  17. Licenses can be automatically mapped upon Virtual DSM boot-up.
  18. Data protection scheduler can be paused.
  19. Integrated the import and add function of hosts.
  20. Adjusted the "Image" page, adding tabs to make categorizing and managing images simpler.
  21. Added support for WebAPI. Refer to Dev Center for Virtual Machine Manager API Guide.

Fixed issues

  1. Improved virtual machine performance under high I/O utilization.
  2. Improved resource monitoring on virtual machines, networks, and disks.
  3. Improved memory calculation formula for better memory usage effectiveness.
  4. Upgraded QEMU to 2.12.1 to fix multiple security issues.
  5. Aligned display date and time formats with DSM.
  6. Fixed an issue where importing virtual machines without vNICs via OVA files might fail.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Limitations and Known Issues

  1. Virtual machines with vDisks of 2 TB or above cannot be imported or exported.

Version: 2.3.4-9027


What's new

  1. Added support for image format .qcow2.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the package cannot be uninstalled when an abnormal situation happened.
  2. Fixed an issue where the virtual machines whose disks are full of random data might fail to be imported after being exported.
  3. Fixed an issue where the log of storage offline might be displayed incorrectly when hosts were rebooted.
  4. Fixed an issue where Virtual Machine Manager might cause the unstable connections of Mobile Applications.
  5. Fixed an issue where Virtual DSM license might be invalid when the host has no internet connection.
  6. Fixed an issue where license status might be incorrect on RP+/RPxs models.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.3-9020

  1. Improved monitoring of protection plans when hosts are powered off.
  2. Improved the progression status during replication processes.
  3. Fixed a compatibility issue with certain browsers when using AltGr key.
  4. You can now perform in-app migration of Virtual DSM licenses to a host within the same Synology Account.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.2-9011


Compatibility and Requirements

  1. Virtual Machine Manager can only be installed on Synology NAS with DSM 6.1.3 and newer.
  2. At least one Btrfs Volume is required to store virtual disks.
  3. To run virtual machines, 4GB or more system memory is recommended.
  4. Virtual Machine Manager is not supported on hosts running Synology High Availability.
  5. Some features are only available on DSM 6.2 or afterward.

What's new

  1. Virtual Machine Manager Pro (VMM Pro) Official release.
  2. VMM Pro functionality will now require licensing.
  3. Synology products that support VMM are eligible for a one-time 30-day trial for VMM Pro.
  4. Added support for SATA disk controllers.
  5. Added support for CPU QoS settings on virtual machines and hosts.
  6. Added virtual switch connection status display.
  7. Added a host network analysis tool.
  8. Added user-defined storage capacity notifications.
  9. Increased virtual disk and virtual network card allocation to 8 for each virtual machine.
  10. Increased vCPU resource allocation to 4 times thread count for VMM Pro.
  11. Thai user interface is now available.
  12. Added experimental support for UEFI boot up.

Fixed issues

  1. Improved the mechanism of adding hosts to a cluster; virtual machines do not have to be shut down during the process now.
  2. Improved the autostart mechanism of virtual machines.
  3. Improved the display of cluster resources.
  4. Fixed an issue where disconnected management IP would be listed in the hosts and storage tab.
  5. Fixed an issue where hard drives on a standalone host cannot hibernate while virtual machines are powered off.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.1-8926


Virtual Machine Manager Pro Release Candidate

Version: 2.3.0-8722


What's new

  1. You can now make in-app purchases for Virtual DSM licenses.
  2. The maximum number of replication plans has been changed to 32 per cluster.
  3. Added protection levels for virtual machines.
  4. Added support for space reclamation on virtual disks.
  5. Added shareable links for virtual machines.
  6. Storage and host migration wizards have been merged.
  7. Improved the export speed of virtual machines.
  8. Upgraded noVNC to version 1.0.0.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where vCPU resource may be occupied even when virtual machines fail to power on.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.2-8493


What's new

  1. Added keyboard layout options to improve the compatibility with multi-language keyboards.
  2. Supports the import of OVF 2.0 format.
  3. Supports taking snapshots of virtual machines that use IDE controllers.
  4. Importing virtual machines now takes less time.

Fixed issues

  1. Enhanced the compatibility of AltGR key combinations.
  2. Fixed an issue of Windows clock synchronization (NTP).
  3. Fixed an issue where Virtual DSM cannot take snapshots when the system is busy.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.1-8464

  1. Fixed an issue where logs might duplicate.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.0-8460


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Virtual Machine Manager can only be installed on Synology NAS with 6.1.3 onward.
  2. At least one Btrfs Volume is required to store virtual disks.
  3. To run virtual machines, 4GB or more system memory is recommended.
  4. Virtual Machine Manager is not supported on hosts running Synology High Availability.

What's new

  1. Supports Windows, Linux, and Virtual DSM, with one built-in Virtual DSM license for free. For more information, please visit here.
  2. The maximum number of virtual machines per host varies depending on the number of CPU threads and system memory size.
  3. Supports importing VMDK and VDI virtual disks or OVA files to create virtual machines.
  4. Supports VirtIO and IDE storage controllers.
  5. Lighting fast cloning and snapshots for virtual machines, providing great management flexibility and data protection.
  6. Supports external and private virtual switches.
  7. Supports Virtual LAN.
  8. Supports USB passthrough to allow mounting USB devices for a virtual machine.
  9. Supports mounting ISO images from shared folders.
  10. Supports launching High Availability from virtual machines in clusters with 3 or more hosts.
  11. Some advanced features are still in the beta stage, such as live migration, storage migration, High Availability, and remote replication. You are welcome to join the beta program to try the professional features specifically made for businesses and help Synology enhance user experience.

Version: 2.7.0-12229


What's New

  1. Added support for the Q35 machine type.
  2. Supports VirtIO Block controller for Linux virtual machines.
  3. Enhanced the license mapping wizard interface for better troubleshooting, providing users with detailed reasons for vDSM license mapping failures.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (CWE-79).
  2. Fixed an issue where protection plans might not be performed properly if multiple plans were in the queue.
  3. Fixed an issue where cluster settings might be corrupted after a DSM restart.
  4. Fixed an issue where resuming suspended virtual machines might fail after updating the package.
  5. Fixed an issue where adding hosts to a cluster might fail.
  6. Minor bug fixes.


Version: 2.6.5-12202


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where a powered-off virtual machine might impact the hibernation of the host.
  2. Fixed an issue where running Virtual DSM with high specifications might cause the host to run out of memory.

Version: 2.6.4-12180


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-1017, CVE-2023-1018).

Version: 2.6.1-12139


What's New

  1. Added support for SR-IOV on the following the Synology network interface cards: E10G21-F2, E25G21-F2.

Version: 2.6.1-12137


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where cluster data might be corrupted after Synology NAS was forced shutdown.
  2. Fixed an issue where users could not open a virtual machine link page when connecting the page via an application portal alias and only allowing port 5001.
  3. Fixed an issue where snapshots could not be deleted when the replication task did not fully succeed.
  4. Fixed an issue where non-admin users might be signed out of DSM when connecting to web VNC consoles.

Version: 2.6.0-12122


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.1.
  2. Modified the default video card settings to prevent the compatibility issue that a black screen might occur in Windows virtual machines.

What's New

  1. Added support for Storage Quality of Service (QoS), allowing the virtual machines to acquire the configured I/O resource.
  2. Updated QEMU to version 6.0.1.
  3. Updated libvirt to version 6.8.0.
  4. Supports running Windows 11 on virtual machines (select UEFI firmware when creating a virtual machine).
  5. Enhanced the responsiveness of the user interface.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where adding hosts to a cluster might fail when the connection timed out.
  2. Fixed an issue where user could not operate the virtual machines after a High Availability failover.

Version: 2.5.5-11487


Fixed Issues

  1. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.4-11440


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

What's New

  1. Supports up to four IDE devices.
  2. Displays the status of VMM Pro licenses on the Overview page when they are not available.
  3. Supports running virtual machines instantly restored from Active Backup for Bussiness with compression or encryption at backup destination enabled.

Version: 2.5.3-9760


What's New

  1. Supports up to four IDE devices.
  2. Displays the status of VMM Pro licenses on the Overview page when they are not available.

Version: 2.5.2-9711


What's new

  1. Added support for Synology NAS with AMD CPUs.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where Virtual Machine Manager may cause excessive system memory usage and thus slow down UI response.
  2. Minor bug fixes.


  1. The CPU compatibility mode must be enabled to run Virtual DSM on Synology NAS with AMD CPUs.

Version: 2.5.1-9623


What's New

  1. Each host can now have up to two share links for its virtual machines without a VMM Pro license.
  2. Added space over-allocation information on Storage page and related notification when users add or expand virtual disks.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where VMM cluster might not function properly after the host recovers from an unexpected shutdown.
  2. Fixed an issue where protection plans might not resume after the host recovers from an unexpected shutdown.
  3. Fixed an issue where virtual disk size might not display correctly after the virtual disk has been expanded.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.5.0-9432


What's new

  1. Virtual Machine Manager is now compatible with Synology High Availability version 2.0.3-0140. (See limitations 1 and 2)

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the change of a virtual machine's name is not updated accordingly in Shared Links Manager.
  2. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to create protection plans when the system is busy.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Limitations and Known Issues

  1. When running Virtual Machine Manager in a Synology High Availability cluster:
    • There can only be one host in the VMM cluster.
    • SR-IOV is not supported.
  2. Hybrid High Availability cluster is not supported.

Version: 2.4.1-9259

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:25).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.5-9030

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:25).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.4.0-9257


Compatibility and Requirements

  1. Virtual Machine Manager 2.4.0 can only be installed on DSM 6.2.2 and above.

What's new

  1. VMM Pro license is not required for local storage migration and QoS settings .
  2. Virtual machines with an IDE or SATA controller can run on a remote host.
  3. Supports Live Migration and High Availability for virtual machines with an IDE or SATA controller.
  4. Supports suspending running virtual machines.
  5. Supports adding up to sixteen ISO, disks or virtual DSM images to hosts at a time.
  6. Supports selecting multiple disk images when importing a virtual machine with disk images.
  7. Supports creating a host with its IP address.
  8. Supports canceling storage migration tasks.
  9. Supports selecting a shutdown behavior of a virtual machine upon host shutdown.
  10. Supports importing multiple virtual machines at a time.
  11. Supports storage migration for virtual machines with snapshots.
  12. Added support for VMware compatible OVA when users export a virtual machine.
  13. Added support for Application Portal.
  14. New noVNC low latency mode.
  15. Users can now modify disk order when the virtual machine is shut down.
  16. Users can now configure High Availability options.
  17. Licenses can be automatically mapped upon Virtual DSM boot-up.
  18. Data protection scheduler can be paused.
  19. Integrated the import and add function of hosts.
  20. Adjusted the "Image" page, adding tabs to make categorizing and managing images simpler.
  21. Added support for WebAPI. Refer to Dev Center for Virtual Machine Manager API Guide.

Fixed issues

  1. Improved virtual machine performance under high I/O utilization.
  2. Improved resource monitoring on virtual machines, networks, and disks.
  3. Improved memory calculation formula for better memory usage effectiveness.
  4. Upgraded QEMU to 2.12.1 to fix multiple security issues.
  5. Aligned display date and time formats with DSM.
  6. Fixed an issue where importing virtual machines without vNICs via OVA files might fail.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Limitations and Known Issues

  1. Virtual machines with vDisks of 2 TB or above cannot be imported or exported.

Version: 2.3.4-9027


What's new

  1. Added support for image format .qcow2.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the package cannot be uninstalled when an abnormal situation happened.
  2. Fixed an issue where the virtual machines whose disks are full of random data might fail to be imported after being exported.
  3. Fixed an issue where the log of storage offline might be displayed incorrectly when hosts were rebooted.
  4. Fixed an issue where Virtual Machine Manager might cause the unstable connections of Mobile Applications.
  5. Fixed an issue where Virtual DSM license might be invalid when the host has no internet connection.
  6. Fixed an issue where license status might be incorrect on RP+/RPxs models.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.3-9020

  1. Improved monitoring of protection plans when hosts are powered off.
  2. Improved the progression status during replication processes.
  3. Fixed a compatibility issue with certain browsers when using AltGr key.
  4. You can now perform in-app migration of Virtual DSM licenses to a host within the same Synology Account.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.2-9011


Compatibility and Requirements

  1. Virtual Machine Manager can only be installed on Synology NAS with DSM 6.1.3 and newer.
  2. At least one Btrfs Volume is required to store virtual disks.
  3. To run virtual machines, 4GB or more system memory is recommended.
  4. Virtual Machine Manager is not supported on hosts running Synology High Availability.
  5. Some features are only available on DSM 6.2 or afterward.

What's new

  1. Virtual Machine Manager Pro (VMM Pro) Official release.
  2. VMM Pro functionality will now require licensing.
  3. Synology products that support VMM are eligible for a one-time 30-day trial for VMM Pro.
  4. Added support for SATA disk controllers.
  5. Added support for CPU QoS settings on virtual machines and hosts.
  6. Added virtual switch connection status display.
  7. Added a host network analysis tool.
  8. Added user-defined storage capacity notifications.
  9. Increased virtual disk and virtual network card allocation to 8 for each virtual machine.
  10. Increased vCPU resource allocation to 4 times thread count for VMM Pro.
  11. Thai user interface is now available.
  12. Added experimental support for UEFI boot up.

Fixed issues

  1. Improved the mechanism of adding hosts to a cluster; virtual machines do not have to be shut down during the process now.
  2. Improved the autostart mechanism of virtual machines.
  3. Improved the display of cluster resources.
  4. Fixed an issue where disconnected management IP would be listed in the hosts and storage tab.
  5. Fixed an issue where hard drives on a standalone host cannot hibernate while virtual machines are powered off.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.3.1-8926


Virtual Machine Manager Pro Release Candidate

Version: 2.3.0-8722


What's new

  1. You can now make in-app purchases for Virtual DSM licenses.
  2. The maximum number of replication plans has been changed to 32 per cluster.
  3. Added protection levels for virtual machines.
  4. Added support for space reclamation on virtual disks.
  5. Added shareable links for virtual machines.
  6. Storage and host migration wizards have been merged.
  7. Improved the export speed of virtual machines.
  8. Upgraded noVNC to version 1.0.0.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where vCPU resource may be occupied even when virtual machines fail to power on.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.2-8493


What's new

  1. Added keyboard layout options to improve the compatibility with multi-language keyboards.
  2. Supports the import of OVF 2.0 format.
  3. Supports taking snapshots of virtual machines that use IDE controllers.
  4. Importing virtual machines now takes less time.

Fixed issues

  1. Enhanced the compatibility of AltGR key combinations.
  2. Fixed an issue of Windows clock synchronization (NTP).
  3. Fixed an issue where Virtual DSM cannot take snapshots when the system is busy.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.1-8464

  1. Fixed an issue where logs might duplicate.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.0-8460


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Virtual Machine Manager can only be installed on Synology NAS with 6.1.3 onward.
  2. At least one Btrfs Volume is required to store virtual disks.
  3. To run virtual machines, 4GB or more system memory is recommended.
  4. Virtual Machine Manager is not supported on hosts running Synology High Availability.

What's new

  1. Supports Windows, Linux, and Virtual DSM, with one built-in Virtual DSM license for free. For more information, please visit here.
  2. The maximum number of virtual machines per host varies depending on the number of CPU threads and system memory size.
  3. Supports importing VMDK and VDI virtual disks or OVA files to create virtual machines.
  4. Supports VirtIO and IDE storage controllers.
  5. Lighting fast cloning and snapshots for virtual machines, providing great management flexibility and data protection.
  6. Supports external and private virtual switches.
  7. Supports Virtual LAN.
  8. Supports USB passthrough to allow mounting USB devices for a virtual machine.
  9. Supports mounting ISO images from shared folders.
  10. Supports launching High Availability from virtual machines in clusters with 3 or more hosts.
  11. Some advanced features are still in the beta stage, such as live migration, storage migration, High Availability, and remote replication. You are welcome to join the beta program to try the professional features specifically made for businesses and help Synology enhance user experience.