Web Station

DSM Version:

Web Station


  • Intuitive website hosting platform with support for multiple HTTP back-end servers, PHP back ends, and relational database systems
  • Comprehensive management of web portals
  • Allows users to host personal websites


  • Supported back-end servers
    • Nginx
    • Apache HTTP Server version 2.4
  • Supported PHP back ends
    • PHP 7.3
    • PHP 7.4
    • PHP 8.0
    • PHP 8.1
    • PHP 8.2
  • Supported containerized database management systems
    • MariaDB 10
    • PgSQL
  • Web service and portal management
    • Supports hosting of multiple web portals
    • Supports HTTP/2
    • Supports HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
    • Supports customizing document roots for each web service
    • Integrates DSM's certificate management that offers a customized certificate for each web portal
    • Integrates DSM's TLS/SSL profile level management that customizes the TLS/SSL profile level of each web portal
  • Supports customized back-end servers and PHP profiles for personal websites
  • Supports resetting the values of php.ini directives
  • Supports customizing error pages used by web portals and alias portals


  • The document root, folders, and files of a personal website must be owned by the same user account