DiskStation Manager 7.2

Immutable storage and backup, fast full-volume encryption, and stricter access controls. The new DSM lets you turn your system into a true data fortress.

DiskStation Manager 7.2

Data resiliency and protection

Write once, store forever

Technically enforce data retention policies with WriteOnce shared folders, which are locked down against modification or deletion. Protect folders for a defined period or disable changes forever.

Write once, store forever
Encrypt entire volumes Full Volume Encryption allows protecting Shared Folders, LUNs, and package data against physical theft of system and drives, while boosting speed, security, and convenience. Learn more

Volume Encryption vs. Shared Folder Encryption

Volume EncryptionShared Folder Encryption
Encryption targetsVolumes (Shared Folders, package data, and LUNs)Shared Folders
Max. file name length255 chars.143 chars.
Automount Key StorageLocal: Host storageLocal: Host storage
Remote: Separate Synology NAS (KMIP)
Encrypt entire volumes

Checkmate, ransomware

New Immutable Snapshots in Snapshot Replication safely store immutable copies of your data to defend against compromised administrator credentials.

Checkmate, ransomware

Performance and efficiency

Turbocharge VM performance

M.2 NVMe storage volumes are now supported on more systems. Choose between speeding up larger volumes with SSD cache or creating nimble all-flash storage volumes.

Now also available on:

  • 22 Series: DS1522+
  • 21 Series: DS1621+, DS1821+, DS1621xs+

Protect more data, faster

New support for block-level full-system backups in Hyper Backup significantly speeds up backing up of large quantities of data.

Over2X fasterFull system vs individual tasks
Dispense with duplicates Inline zero-block removal speeds up deduplication by cutting post-process dedupe times, while maintaining I/O performance and reducing writes to SSDs. Learn more Dispense with duplicates
Dispense with duplicates

Access controls

Adaptive login protection

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is often not enabled. Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (AMFA) now demands confirmation when DSM admin accounts are accessed from untrusted external connections.

1. AMFA triggers for: Unrecognized devices, WAN connections,Password-only admin accounts.
2. Login confirmation through: Secure SignIn, DS finder, Email

New defenses against attacks

An expanded Auto Block in DSM 7.2 covers SMB connections, significantly reducing the possibility of brute-force attacks succeeding against weaker credentials.

QuickConnect servers now globally ban IP addresses after several failed authentication attempts.

New defenses against attacks

One account to take you anywhere

Expanded SSO Server and SSO client protocol support in DSM 7.2 enables convenient single-account access no matter what provider is used.

One account to take you anywhere

Transparent management

Direct notifications more effectively

More configuration options help finetune notification rules to ensure critical messages get delivered.

  • Unlimited email recipients per rule
  • Set custom delivery channels per rule (email, push service, webhook)
Direct notifications more effectively

Notify the right person or team

Directly integrate DSM notifications into your Microsoft Teams channels or LINE groups. Combine with rule-based delivery to ensure the right message is delivered to the responsible team.

Notify the right person or team
Notify the right person or team

Storage trend forecast

Track data growth trends and get notified in advance about potential expansion needs for all your connected systems in Active Insight.

Storage trend forecast

More enhancements

Container Manager (formerly Docker)

Container Manager (formerly Docker)

  • New name and user experience
  • Add and manage multi-container applications from the UI (Docker Compose)
  • Update and clean up containers more conveniently
  • Now available on: DS420j, DS223
Synology Photos

Synology Photos

  • New support for WebP and motion photos (Android)
  • Improved user experience for albums
Hybrid Share

Hybrid Share

  • Global file locking helps prevent file conflicts across connected Synology systems
  • Files requested at other sites are prioritized for syncing to C2 Storage
  • More detailed logging aids administration

Install it on your NAS

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Notes:WriteOnce and Immutable Snapshots availability: https://sy.to/wormmodels.Encrypted Shared Folders and Hybrid Share Folders currently not supported.Volume encryption availability: https://sy.to/encryptedvolkbRequires compatible Synology SNV3400/3500 Series NVMe SSDs.Tested with data from 32 VMs configured as servers, totaling 1.52 TB, and 12 Synology SATA SSDs.Comparing full system backup using Hyper Backup against creating separate file, LUN, and package backup tasks. Tested on DS923+ with 5.3TB of data (95% <4MB), comparing initial backup speeds. Subsequent backup speed improvements may be higher.