Release Notes for Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Apache HTTP Server 는 UNIX 및 Windows를 포함한 현대적 운영 체제를 위한 오픈 소스 HTTP 서버입니다. 패키지가 설치되어 있으면 Apache 를 Web Station에서 백엔드 서버로 선택할 수 있습니다.

Version: 2.2.34-0121


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

Version: 2.2.34-0020

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Apache (Synology-SA-17:56) .

Version: 2.2.34-0018

  1. Upgraded to version 2.2.34.

Version: 2.2.31-0017

  1. Fixed an issue where Apache 2.2 is not dependent on Web Station.

Version: 2.2.31-0016

  1. Upgraded to 2.2.31.

Version: 2.2.34-0121


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

Version: 2.2.34-0020

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Apache (Synology-SA-17:56) .

Version: 2.2.34-0018

  1. Upgraded to version 2.2.34.

Version: 2.2.31-0017

  1. Fixed an issue where Apache 2.2 is not dependent on Web Station.

Version: 2.2.31-0016

  1. Upgraded to 2.2.31.