Release Notes for Python

Python est un langage de programmation interprété, interactif et orienté objet approprié pour le développement d'applications distribuées, les scripts, le calcul numérique et les tests du système. Avec Python, vous pouvez développer ou intégrer vos systèmes plus rapidement et efficacement.

Version: 2.7.9-0051

  1. Upgraded to be compatible with Odoo8.

Version: 2.7.9-0050

  1. Upgraded Python to 2.7.0 to address a security vulnerability (CVE-2014-9601: Pillow).

Version: 2.7.8-0049

  1. Enhanced the compatibility with dependent packages that use OpenSSL module.

Version: 2.7.8-0046


This is the initial release for the package.

Version: 2.7.6-0042


Fixed Issues

  1. Updated to address a severe issue that allows attackers to use heap overflow in YAML URI to arbitrarily execute commands. Reference: CVE-2014-2525, CVE-2013-6393

Version: 2.7.6-0017

  1. Fixed an issue that you cannot create a HA cluster.

Version: 2.7.6-0016



  1. Upgraded to version 2.7.6

Fixed Issues

  1. Updated to address a severe issue that allows attackers to use heap overflow in YAML URI to arbitrarily execute commands. Reference: CVE-2014-2525, CVE-2013-6393

  2. Upgraded Python Image Library (PIL) to Pillow 2.4.0 to address a severe vulnerability that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands. Reference: CVE-2014-3007

Version: 2.7.6-0041


Fixed Issues

  1. Upgraded Python Image Library (PIL) to Pillow 2.4.0 to address a severe vulnerability that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands. Reference: CVE-2014-3007

Version: 2.7.6-0039



  1. Upgraded to version 2.7.6 to address a vulnerability that could cause buffer overflow.

Version: 2.7.3-0038

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 5.0.

Version: 2.7.3-0035

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 5.0.

Version: 2.7.3-0015

  1. Updated to support OpenERP 7.0.

Version: 2.7.3-011

  1. Upgraded to support Synology RS10613xs+.