Release Notes for Apache HTTP Server 2.2

Apache HTTP Server est un serveur HTTP open source pour les systèmes d'exploitation modernes, notamment Unix et Windows. Avec ce pack est installé, vous pouvez choisir Apache comme serveur principal dans Web Station.

Version: 2.2.34-0121


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

Version: 2.2.34-0020

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Apache (Synology-SA-17:56) .

Version: 2.2.34-0018

  1. Upgraded to version 2.2.34.

Version: 2.2.31-0017

  1. Fixed an issue where Apache 2.2 is not dependent on Web Station.

Version: 2.2.31-0016

  1. Upgraded to 2.2.31.

Version: 2.2.34-0121


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Updated to be compatible with DSM 7.0.

Version: 2.2.34-0020

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Apache (Synology-SA-17:56) .

Version: 2.2.34-0018

  1. Upgraded to version 2.2.34.

Version: 2.2.31-0017

  1. Fixed an issue where Apache 2.2 is not dependent on Web Station.

Version: 2.2.31-0016

  1. Upgraded to 2.2.31.