Release Notes for VPN Server

*VPN Server ha llegado al final de su vida útil en Synology Router. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que utilice VPN Plus Server para obtener acceso a futuras actualizaciones y soporte técnico* VPN Server ofrece una sencilla solución VPN que convierte su Synology Router en un servidor VPN y ofrece conexiones seguras a una red local privada desde cualquier parte. Los protocolos VPN compatibles incluyen PPTP, OpenVPN, y servicios L2TP/IPSec.

Version: 1.3-2500

  1. Upgraded OpenVPN to version 2.3.17.

  2. Fixed an issue where OpenVPN might not work properly when a third-party certificate is employed without being imported to the browser.

  3. VPN Server has reached the end of its life span on Synology Router. We recommend using VPN Plus Server to get access to future updates and technical support.

Version: 1.3-2499


Compatibility and Installation

  1. VPN Server 1.3-2499 can only be installed on Synology products running SRM 1.1.4 or later.

Version: 1.3-2496


Compatibility and Installation

  • VPN Server 1.3-2496 can only be installed on Synology products running SRM 1.1.3 or later.

What's New

  • VPN Server (SRM-compatible) is no longer under maintenance. It is recommended to migrate relevant settings and logs to VPN Plus Server for use.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where network access over L2TP/IPSec VPN might fail after router reboot.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.3-2490

  1. VPN Server must be upgraded to the latest version to be compatible with SRM 1.1.1.


Version: 1.3-2479

  1. Upgraded to be compatible with SRM 1.1.
  2. Fixed an issue where PPTP services will start automatically after upgrading SRM.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.3-2476

  1. Upgraded to be compatible with SRM 1.1.

Version: 1.3.0-2469

  1. Fixed an L2TP/IPSec connection compatibility issue with Android 6.0 devices.
  2. Fixed an issue where established PPTP link will disconnect because the assigned IP address has changed after update.
  3. Fixed an issue where PPTP and L2TP connections become unstable and lose speed after update.
  4. Fixed an issue where VPN Server might not be accessed after DDNS daily update.

Version: 1.2-2463

  1. Enhanced transmission performance of PPTP/L2TP.
  2. You can now set the IP domain of PPTP/L2TP to be the same as the IP range specified in Network Center > Local Network (e.g., 192.168.1.x) without IP range overlap.
  3. Upgraded OpenVPN to version 2.3.10.

Version: 1.2-2459

  1. Enhanced L2TP/IPSec server compatibility.
  2. Shortened VPN server startup time.
  3. Fixed an issue where LAN devices might not be accessible while OpenVPN server is enabled.